Thinking inside the box

The Ark of the Covenant housed the presence of God in the Old Testament. There were three things placed inside the ark. Manna from heaven, the budding staff of Aaron and the ten commandments. Hebrews 9:4 (read all of Heb 9)
What do these represent?
*Manna is God’s provision and His Word
*Budding Rod of Aaron is God’s Authority and supernautral power
*Ten Commandments represent God’s law and our obedience.
These are important for us today. Never turn to anything, but God’s Word. And remember His provision. God is always in control. Never limit God, He operates in the Supernautral.
Obey the Lord and keep His commandments.
Let me introduce you to a man named
2 Samuel 6:10-12
1 Ch 13:13-14
1Ch 15:18, 21, 24, 25
1 Ch 15:5, 38
1 Ch 26:4, 8, 15
2 Ch 25:24
This man was blessed because the Ark of the Covenant (God’s presence) was placed in his home. He then followed God’s presence wherever it went and was even willing to work for it. How much do you desire God’s presence? Do you want to see God’s provision in your life. Do you desire to see God’s supernautral power at work in and through you? Do you obey and trust Hiim? Then follow Him and do His work. Seek ye 1st the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.
Beth Wingate - 2006